We Offer Telecom Agent Wholesale for Direct Sales of International Calls. You can sell our wholesale services through web marketing as well as direct, one on one sales. We do not charge agent sign-up fees.
GlobalTel offers a one-stop solution for Telecom Wholesalers and Online agents. Through it's state-of-the-art facilities, GlobalTel provides a full range of traditional and VoIP Carrier to Carrier network and billing services for almost any international application.
It’s a smart decision to become GlobalTel Business Partner.You will own your own business, have diversified income, market worldwide, and earn money even when you are sleeping! No investment is required. You need only a PC, a telephone, a fax machine and access to the Internet to get started. Your marketing and office expenses are low - You will communicate by email and SMS Text Messaging. No paper, fax or telecom expenses
Commissions earned are shown online and are paid promptly; there is no limit to the amount of money you can make. As a GlobalTel Agent, you will have complete control of your business and you can work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You will be supported 24/7 by GlobalTel's highly skilled support staff. GlobalTel markets thru its agents and is very proud to have prestigious agents and agent organizations in more than 150 countries.
The telecommunications industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. The ability to communicate is one freedom that everyone wants and they want it now. You can help people attain that freedom and earn a great, independent living at the same time.
GlobalTel is one of the best in developing and providing reliable and unique telecommunications systems for the world market. GlobalTel is an experienced company that has been in business since 1991. A leader in its field, GlobalTel is still one of the fastest growing companies. GlobalTel is innovative; its experienced technical staff is constantly adding new telecom services. GlobalTel offers Low, Competitive Rates to call anywhere in the World for less but with high quality. GlobalTel recruits only highly qualified, serious and trustworthy agents to help build and enhance its good name and reputation in the industry. GlobalTel provides agent websites to its agents to insure that they can market to every country. GlobalTel provides Online Account Management to its agents. GlobalTel provides you with freedom to market and sell reliable services and piece of mind to be well compensated on a residual basis for your efforts.
Our top agents earn in excess of $100,000 USD per year. All agent commissions are paid in US DOLLARS , no matter what country you live in. And you can live anywhere and market to the World. Earn residual income today and keep making money for years to come!
A favorable global marketing climate - Democracy is the prevailing political philosophy in the world today and free trade is the prevailing economic philosophy. The climate for local, national and international business has never been better. Enabling economic freedom is our number one benefit for all agents marketing GlobalTel products and services.
Unlimited market - Worldwide - The world market for telecom goods and services is described by some industry observers as over one trillion a year. The entire world market is open to you! As GlobalTel agent you can market in every country and reap the benefits of a global businessperson.
Please consider these following factors :
This is a ground floor opportunity
Fast Access and High Quality - GlobalTel's switching center is located in the South Eastern United States, in Miami, Florida. Two NAP (Network access Point) facilities are located next to our facilities. One maintained by BELLSOUTH, and one by a conglomerate of international telecoms. NAP is a high-profile Internet and telecommunications fiber bridge shared by all international telecommunications companies. Being located near these two NAPs gives GlobalTel fast reliable access to the worldwide networks.
Sign Up Today and Get Started! If you can communicate well, there is little risk to build a fast growing business in the telecom industry. Globaltel offers unlimited income potential paid in US Dollars, always on time, always reliable.
For Wholesale Agent Information, send an email to info@GlobalTel.net