International Jail Inmate Calls are cheap with GlobalTel’s Local Connect Jail Call Service.

Reduce your inmates International Jail Call Charges with our Local Connect Jail Phone Number. We Automatically Send Your Inmates Calls to Your International Phone Number and for Less Money Than The Jail Phone Provider. Eliminate all International Long Distance Charges Fees from GTL, Global Tel Link, Securus, Paytel, NCIC, VConnect, Telmate and other providers.

We forward your inmates calls to you in any country in the world at a very low price. Click the sign up button and fill in the form to enter your international phone number where we will send your inmates calls. Enter a prefix of 1 if the number is in North America or the Caribbean or a prefix of 011 plus the country and city code if your phone number is in any other country. For example, a call to Toronto would be entered as 1416xxxxxxx A U.K. Phone number would be entered as 01144xxxxxxxxxx


Our international jail call monthly service plan fee is only $29.99 per month. We automatically bill your credit card every 30 days. You will receive one Special Jail Phone Number plus $29.99 worth of inmate calls forwarded to your international phone number. The call charges will be deducted from your account each time your inmate makes a call to your Special Jail Phone Number. Your credit card will be charged $15.00 when your account balance falls below $5.00. Please make sure your credit card remains valid to avoid a disruption of service. If you need further clarification on our international jail call phone services please contact our support team.

Please see our international jail call rates per minute below.

Calling From :
Calling To :    

Rate :

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